Does originality have to be original?

Even if you borrow or steal, if the observer doesn’t recognize the source, it’s original.
Who thinks of this sort of thing? Lighted columns.
You have to admire the originality of it. OK, maybe I just don’t know about these things, maybe it’s common in all houses in Wisconsin–or Switzerland. But I stopped long enough to notice and then long again enough to take a picture of it. There are a few book (coffee book?) or at least magazine articles here:
- What I am forced to notice now that I have to walk a dog.
- You wouldn’t see this on a treadmill at the gym.
- Three guesses to figure out what’s different about this photo.
- 14 uses of lighting you’ve never seen.
How much work (and cost) must those lighted columns must have taken? Maybe not so much if you had the idea from the outset. I can’t imagine adding it later. Maybe they were rotting and had to be replaced. Maybe the owner just acted on a whim, “Honey, I’m going to put lighting into the columns out front.” “OK, dear. That’s nice.” Nothing more thought of it. No thought that passers by might stop, do double takes, and wonder about the whole process.
I think I’m also just a lighting junkie. I think I need to have a lighting section. I’m officially and publicly infatuated with lighting.
But now it’s time for no lighting.ย Goodnight.

Who thinks of this sort of thing?