How much risk are you willing to take on for the potential of reward?

I’m getting bolder in my actions. Am I going to pay for it later? Maybe.
Or maybe I’ll get paid for it later.
I just did something that a few short years ago I would have never done. I might have hemmed and hawed about it forever, debated the pros and cons, and finally probably … not done it.
I’m not going to say what it is here, but I’ll come back to it in a few months and recap. I also don’t want to mention it as I think it’s either one of those things that’s either a complete waste of time or something where I got in early enough that it was still fruitful and it’s going to work.
See why I don’t want to say?
I don’t want to hear about what you may or may not you’re risking for possible rewards, but I hope that you’re risking it at least one in a while.
Gotta keep the fun in the game, right?