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Shake it Off

Shake it Off

Farewell 2015. Points so low they were previously unimaginable. Get up, stand tall, shake it off.

Get up, stand tall, shake it off. Which direction is that chairlift going? Up.

Get up, stand tall, shake it off. Which direction is that chairlift going? Up.

“It’s not a game. It’s life,” is the call I hear in the distance.

What’s so wrong about a game? It’s light (or should be), it’s fun (or is supposed to be) and you never know what’s going to happen. In 2016, I’m going to allow more play in my life. More laughs and more of the unexpected. Then I’m going to laugh at the unexpected and then I’m going to laugh with it.

I don’t know what 2016 holds, but I know it’s going to be different. Much different. It’s going to be different because I’m ready to, finally, allow it to be different. I’m excited but nervous, but the kind of nervous before the big game that you want to play. The kind of game that’s important and you might play a pivotal role.

If you’ve played sports, you know that there are players who don’t really want the ball in the crucial moments and there are those that are so hungry for it, they almost gravitate towards the ball. They’ll do whatever it takes to get it and then they’ll do their best to score for the team. They want the team to win and they think that they have the best chance to make that happen.

I’ve been on the sidelines for a while now. Enjoying the game, playing when I want to. But I haven’t wanted the ball. 2015 was worse than on the bench, 2015 was in the locker room. Wasn’t even sure we’d make it back out on the court. But now 2015 is over and I’m up, I’m standing tall and I’ve shaken it off.

If you’re not ready, that’s OK. Have a seat on the bench and let the coach know when you’re ready to play. Maybe you need another season. Maybe someone else is the rising star right now. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s admirable that you recognize it.

But 2016 is just about here and I don’t only want the ball, I have the ball.

Ready? I am.


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