Is it perfect yet? Oh, it might be too late.

Waiting for perfection? You’re in the wrong line.
You might think it’s not done, but there’s a chance it was done a long time ago, maybe right after you began, no, maybe before you started.
“But it’s not perfect yet!” you scream, hands raised in the air and a look on your face that clearly says, ‘You obviously don’t understand anything I’m doing.’
But that’s just it. I don’t understand anything you’re doing. I just really want to understand a tenth of what you’re doing. In fact, I truly don’t want to know 100% of what you’re doing. Furthermore, I probably won’t ever know 100% of what you know because, sorry, I don’t care.
You care. You might care too much.
But you know 100 things and you’re trying to perfect 100 things. I don’t need 100 perfect things. I need 10 really good things. Maybe 1 perfect thing. Let’s do a little math.
You probably could have given me 1 perfect thing before you started. Because that 1 thing you know well. You know it well because it’s what gave birth to most of the other 99. You know and love that 1 thing like you gave birth to it (you may have). If you had just told me that 1 thing and explained it well enough so that I could understand that 1 thing even 50%, I’d be thrilled.
WARNING: math equation ahead.
Math: not 100 perfect things but 50% of 1 thing. That’s 0.5% of the total. That’s 1 out of 200. That’s not much.
You think it’s nothing. I think it’s everything.
That’s all I want. Just to know 1/2 of that 1 thing.
You’re stuck on perfecting thing #72 and I’m asleep. I’m worse than asleep, I’ve left the theater. I might be down the street and you’re never going to find me again. I’m gone.
I thought I’d close by saying just finish the 100 things, but it might be too late. You might have to start a new 100 things. But find the 1 thing I need and forget the other 99. Teach me the 1 thing and then I’ll wait for the other 99. Deal?

Waiting for perfection? You’re in the wrong line.