Who do you admire?

Is there someone out there who you dream about and wish, “If I could just be a little like him, I’d be set.”
Here’s a tip: do whatever it takes to be a little bit more like that person.
- Notice what they do, what they say, and how they say it.
- Don’t expect to be where they are today. Remember, they’ve been at it a longer time. You’re just getting started.
- Give it your own style. You don’t want to “be” them, you just want to pick qualities that you admire and go after those.
- Talk to them (if they’re approachable). Ask them questions. Listen.
I admire my neighbor Tony. He’s 103 years old. I believe he’s made it to 103 because his work is his passion. He’s an artist and still “works” in the traditional sense of the word. But in the non-traditional sense of the word, he’s not working, he’s thriving. He’s doing exactly what he likes to do: paint or draw or sketch.
I don’t have direct experience, but I’m pretty sure you don’t get to 103 years old if you whine about “the good old days” (the past) or dream about “how things might be one day” (the future).
As far as I can tell, the secret lies in waking up Every Single Day and having something to look forward to. Something that tickles your heart and rustles your imagination.
I handed Tony a paperback version (he doesn’t exactly have (or understand) a Kindle … ) of my book and told him that he was the inspiration for chapter 32. In fact, he was at least part of the inspiration behind Part 3 (Passion) and Part 5 (Patience).
I bid him goodnight and said that I hoped he’d like the book.
“Of course I’ll like it,” he said enthusiastically. “I’m in it!”
I’d love to know what you think of Chapter 32 when you get to that point and if you have someone in your life you admire, let us know in the comments below.

Is there someone out there who you dream about and wish, “If I could just be a little like him, I’d be set.”