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Help Me Help You (Look Good) For Them

Help Me Help You (Look Good) For Them

I figured how to sell more books–and just about anything else.

I need your help. I want to involve you in my books, my creations, my helping people–my helping you help them.

These thoughts don’t just “come to me.” Oh, wait a minute. Yes, that’s exactly what happens. #meditation

I write. A lot. No, like way lots. What keeps me going? The writing.

It doesn’t cost me energy. It provides me with energy. So I got that going for me. Which is nice.

But I want to involve you, the reader, more.

I thought about what you want, what you need, what you’d like to have and what you must have.

You also want to:

  1. Help yourself,
  2. Help other people,
  3. Help other people through helping yourself.

I’m a firm believer in the “give yourself the oxygen mask first” philosophy. If you’re not in good shape (or dead), you’re not much help to your fellow passengers.

You want to help yourself so you can help them.

It’s not all kumbaya and altruistic love. Here’s a little secret:

If you “look good” to those you help, it helps you.

I probably need a better choice of words (or even ideas) for “look good” but it’s what I have for now.

Think about it. If you help someone and they are thankful, you “look good” in their eyes. You helped them.

You feel good because:

  1. You helped them.
  2. They “recognized” you (as someone who helped them).
  3. You have more confidence to help more people (oh, and so do they).

It’s a bit like a pyramid scheme–but a good kind. A pyramid scheme of goodness, of giving, of learning, teaching, helping.

How does this relate to my books?

I want to help you. I want to help myself. I want you to look good. I want you to look good for others. Through my helping you “look good” for others, you make me look good. You are thankful for that and so am I.

Do we have that covered? Because I think that’s all there is to it.

No, really.

Let’s Do a Real World Example

  1. Write: I write a book (e.g. Every Single Day). I help myself.
  2. Read: You read and learn from my book. I help you and/or you help yourself.
  3. Share: You teach someone else what you learned. You help them.
  4. Grow: Your status/reputation/etc. grows in their eyes as you helped them. They help you.

I help you, you help them, we’re all good.

This is where I need to get better: asking you for help.

I’m modest (no, really!). I don’t like to ask for help. But this is exactly where I need your help (to help me help you help them).

Here you go:

Help Me Help You Help Them
Help Me Help You Look Good For Them

Help Me Help You Look Good For Them [Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash]

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