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Here’s a list of 10 things. Only, I’m not going to give them to you. Yet.

Here’s a list of 10 things. Only, I’m not going to give them to you. Yet.
This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Teenage Tips

Say you’re going to do something (interesting, exciting, worthwhile). Oh, then do it.

In a post-meditation moment of ridiculous clarity last week, I sketched out an idea that will turn into a collection of posts, a book, a podcast series, and video montage. I was excited about it, people I talked to thought it would be a great idea, and now I’m getting people asking me to let them know when, ahem, you know, when it’s done–or at least started.

Let’s see if we got this straight:

  1. Meditate: no, I’m not going to forget this is how this all started. (I’m slowly “coming out of the closet” with my secret weapon of persistent creativity.) Find your creative space, let it come to you, do whatever it takes to clear out the clutter.
  2. Get it out: all of that clarity isn’t worth much if it gets lost in the rest of your day. Write it down and get it out quickly. Sketch some quick notes or just bang out the whole thing–whatever works.
  3. Go public: if you’re a nutcase like me who makes most stuff public (and thereby adds a heaping portion of accountability), then it’s more “real” and more likely to happen.

Speaking of making it happen, I constructed a draft of #1 this morning. I’ll get working on it.

Moral of the story? Find the clarity, focus in, let it out.

Here’s my morning reminder that what I’m doing, what I’m putting out there, what I’m creating is reaching people and they want more.

If you want more … if you’d like to be updated on the 10 Tips For Your Teenage I Wish I Knew When I Was 13, sign up here.

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Here's a list of 10 things. Only, I'm not going to give them to you. Yet.

Here’s a list of 10 things. Only, I’m not going to give them to you. Yet.

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