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How to set up a 301 redirect for love

How to set up a 301 redirect for love

A 301 redirect is easy for a web page. But how about for love?

For those who got here for the “love” search term, a 301 redirect is like a forwarding address when you’re on vacation and the mailman knows to forward all mail to your cousin’s house. In case you’re just dying to know what the HTML looks like, here’s what you’d need to put in your .htaccess file (my WHAT file? … don’t worry about it):

# Redirect old file path to new file path
Redirect /olddirectory/oldfile.html

If you gt here for the “301 redirect” search term, love is something more abundant than cheap server space. It’s everywhere, in us, around us, available to us at all times. But there can be some technical issues with directing it to where you’d like it to go.

Now that both camps are sufficiently educated, let’s get down to the How To.

See how easy that is? For the web page, it’s old path or URL and then the new one. Whenever someone comes to that old page, they’ll be redirected, automatically, to the new one. Set it up once and it’ll work forever. Easy peasy.

But people are sending me love, not website traffic. I need to redirect it to my dad. He’s sick.

I have so much love that the hosting company wants me to upgrade my storage plan. I harness such joy that my hosting company is secretly siphoning off bits and bytes of it to share with other clients of theirs. There is so much happiness in my body that I’m a hot air balloon so billowed and strong that you need 50 ropes to keep me battened down.

If there is a surplus, how can we transfer some of it?

If I have so much and people are sending me so much more, how can I just automatically, permanently and effortlessly redirect that love and energy and spirt to my dad? He’s the one who needs it. Can I just pass it along? By feeling it? By thinking it? By explaining how I’d like it to work here? Maybe it’s working already because of all that. I wish it were as easy as an .htaccess file. Maybe it is.

301 Redirect for Love

301 Redirect for Love

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