In Iceland, they eat sheep heads. In Los Angeles, we have Tommy’s Chili Cheese Onion Fries.

To each his own. Let them be.
After high school, I traveled Europe with a friend. When the 2-month trek was coming to an end, we had only one request at the Los Angeles airport when our friends and family picked us up.
It probably isn’t a common request, but then again, I’ve never taken a poll. It was a bit messy, probably took a bit of logistical planning, but they came through and it was a roaring success.
We didn’t want showers or clean clothes. We were long past that. We didn’t want much of anything other than that one thing.
They brought us Tommy’s Chili Cheese Onion Fries and we chowed down at the airport like those dogs who haven’t eaten for days.
In Los Angeles, there’s a hamburger joint called “Tommy’s.” There are all kinds of knock-off copies, but there’s only one Original Tommy’s.
There are few things I miss in the world. This is one of them.
I’m sure you high falutin culinary types out there are cringing and snickering. Cring. Snicker.
This is high school. This is a secret chili recipe I would fly around the world for–oh wait, I just did. This is late-Friday-night-after-the-football-game-I-know-I’ll-regret-this-later-but-I-don’t-care cravings you can’t kick–nor want to.
The fries themselves are nothing special. The cheese is probably some overly-processed cheese-like substance. The onions are fresh. It really comes down to the chili.
It’s one of those ingredients you can put on pretty much anything and I’d eat it. But if you put it on hot fries, add melted cheese, and onions? Just step aside and let the professionals do their job–let us chow down.
What do you miss from home? What do others think is borderline disgusting but you don’t care?
That’s what makes home feel like home.
Now get out of my way, I’m eating.
P.S. I have an old category on this site called “Accidental Recipes.” This post fits in there just right.

In Iceland, they eat sheep heads. In Los Angeles, we have Tommy’s Chili Cheese Onion Fries.