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When time stands still–or moves at the speed of light

When time stands still–or moves at the speed of light
This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Meditation for Creatives

There are (at least) two types of time. Do you know how to use both?

You stand in front of the bank ATM and can’t remember your password. You scour your stressed-out brain as there’s a line behind you.

Time seems to be standing still (in that you can’t remember) and speeding up (the people behind you are losing their patience).

You think, you plunder your neurons, you try, you force. It doesn’t come.

You look behind you.

They want their money. They want it now. They’re in a hurry. Now you are, too.

You make a split decision. You cancel the transaction, take your card, and walk away.

You fuss, you fidget, you explain to your friend what happened.

You walk 17 steps away, the stress gone, the world slows back down.

The PIN code comes to you.

You stop.

You turn around, get back in line, remember the number consciously, type it in effortlessly, get your money, move on with your day.

The stress time, the “trying” time is normal time. What the Greeks called “chronos” time.

That split-second of clarity once you walked away, “gave up,” and let it go? That’s what the Greeks called “kairos” time.

kairos: the right, critical, or opportune moment


Is it possible to allow that kairos time to come to us more often? Like, you know, when we need it?


When time stands still--or moves at the speed of light
When time stands still–or moves at the speed of light. [Photo by Hello Lightbulb on Unsplash]

Like most things, we can get better with practice. How can we practice? For me, it’s to meditate.

For you? It’s, in my humble opinion, some version of meditating. Whether that is sitting with your eyes closed listening to a guided meditation, walking in the woods, in the shower, while driving, biking, running.

It’s up to you. You probably know when that time is.

The secret is finding it and then working with it, allowing it, growing it, making it stronger.

Quick tip: the next time you feel that flow, that time standing still (or speeding up), make a note of it.

  1. What were you doing?
  2. What events led up to that happening?
  3. Were you in a certain state of mind?
  4. Certain surroundings?
  5. Time of day?
  6. With certain people? (Maybe away from certain people!?)

Note it and do it again. Next time it happens, be aware of it, “watch” it, “observe” how it works and maybe how you might be able to make it stronger.

Meta Note: this post here is part of “work” on my upcoming book “Meditate.” It’s from the Repossible series of books (Ask, Dare, Create, Spark, Meditate, Play, Travel … )

Another technique in creating the “kairos” time state is to Just Force It. Do It. Make It Happen.

I went on a walk this morning with Pepper (my dog) and stopped what I was listening to because I had to get this idea out. Here’s what I recorded.

Is it perfect? Is it edited? No. But it’s a start. Was I in “kairos” time state? I don’t think so, but I was close.

I was closer than had I not stopped and recorded it.

Give it a go. Try, do, create, make, record, write. Get it out, let it out, allow it to come in.

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