Your KDP (Amazon) paperback: Black and white or color ink?

I didn’t even know you could choose color ink for paperbacks.
I had a talk called “Teach What You Want to Learn” and, as usual, I do my best to Walk the Talk.
A SPARK student asked me how she could get her paperback into color after she (unknowingly) created a black and white version.
I had to admit I didn’t even know it was an option.
But sure enough, you can choose which printing option you like.
Amazon does warn you that the printing costs will be higher (and thus your royalties lower if you don’t increase the purchase price) for color.
As I read on an Amazon help page, it seems you can offer two versions of your paperback.
I’m not exactly sure how this works (and I might only find out if the author does it) but it’s an interesting (albeit expensive) option if you’d really like to get those color images to come through in your paperback version.
Ever done this? Let us know about it in the comments.