ESD Giveaways — What would you most like in addition to the book?

What bonuses, extras, freebies, and goodies would you most benefit from based on the Every Single Day philosophy?
As an author, you might need more than just your book to sell your book. How can you build the buzz? What can you do to get people to want to share your book, like your page, retweet your tweets?
What do the readers want? How can you find out?
What would you, as an ESD reader and action-taker, most benefit from?
- Workbook: to go along with the book, help you take real action.
- Calendar: a step-by-step, day-by-day action plan for your ESD victory.
- Interviews: excerpts or full from people interviewed for the book.
- Audio: of me reading a chapter or post. Just another format than just words on the page.
- Infographics: charts, graphs, diagrams, flow charts that summarize.
Or more contest like?
- Prizes: would you want to win a Kindle?
- Challenges: are you up for a game or a test or a scavenger hunt?
- Contests: answer the questions correctly and be entered to win a prize?
- Gamification: do some of this, some of that, earn points and build your score and win over others in a game-like situation?
As authors, we’re only limited by our creativity (OK, and our budget). We want to do what works, what’s fun for us and what’s fun for the readers and fellow authors. I’ll be playing around with giveaways over the next several months and will report back with what worked–and what didn’t.
Any other ideas? I’m looking for any and many ideas to help with promotion of the book. Happy to hear about them if you’d like to contact me.