The New Normal
Someone commented to me that drinking kale juice wasn’t normal. It wasn’t normal. Now it is.
I also didn’t used to write every day. Now I do. Now it’s normal.
A colleague used to have cereal with milk every morning. Now he has juice. Every morning. It’s now his norm.
I used to be a terrible delegator. Then I started delegating. Now I delegate work every single day. It would seem abnormal to not do it.
- You don’t do something you wish you did.Β
- You start doing that thing.
- You keep doing that thing.
- It becomes normal.
I used to think those nasty green juices and shakes at Jamba Juice were for marathon runners or people with hard-to-spell digestive tract ailments. Now I love them. I didn’t use to love them. My taste buds have changed.
I used to think writing every day was impossible, I would need years of preparation, it would be painful, I would actually find out that I hated it. I would probably hurt myself. I had every reason not to start. But I finally just started. I needed a (big) push, but I got that push. Now I can’t imagine not writing every day.
My eating habits have changed. My writing habits have changed. My work habits have changed. What wasn’t normal is now normal. My life has changed. I started.
Take that first step. Write that first page. Lose that first pound. Once you do something once, the second time is easier. Then the third, then the fourth.
It’s not the old normal. It’s not even normal. It’s the new normal. It’s my new normal. What are you going to make your new normal?
- Possible: Wish you did what you’re not doing.
- Impossible: Have been doing what you weren’t doing.
- Repossible: Start.
Yep. Got it. Tiny fine tunings of daily habits. That would mean, I would write every day and practice the accordion. Ask me 2 months from now, how I did, okay?
I will ask you two months from now, but even better is that I ask you … tomorrow. π