Cover Designs for the “When I’m Going to Write My Book” series

- You Are Not Your Reader
- Publish | Transcription
- Publish | Go exclusive or wide with audiobooks?
- What’s your freebie? What can you give away to gauge interest in your topic?
- The Procrastinator’s Guide to Getting Things Done
- Publish | KDP Pre-Order
- Cover Designs for the “When I’m Going to Write My Book” series
I’m pretty sure authors have the market cornered on reasons to not write.
I’m thinking of writing a new series of books as part of a series, maybe for the Procrastination Celebration Workshop (deadline to apply: probably sometime in the fall), or at least to help other writers who have the same challenges.
Or maybe, just maybe, these resonate with you and you actually are sick of these excuses and you want to get your book done.
We’re running a 6-week, hands-on training where we will work with you to get your book started, written, and published–in 6 weeks.
Learn more at “Boost Your Brand with a Book.”