Dare to Determine a Deadline

- 5-Word Hooks: Dare
- Dare to Determine a Deadline
- DARE | Aim | The architect and the gardener–and what type of gun they use
- Dare | The Subtitle
“This is only going to hurt a little.”
“A goal is a dream with a deadline.”
— Napoleon Hill
What else do they say at the doctor’s office:
“This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.”
“There’s going to be a sting.”
“It’ll be a quick pinprick and then it might burn a little but then the worst will be over.”
Set a Deadline
Choose a date. In the future. Go ahead, make it far into the future. It doesn’t even really matter when the actual date is.
It’s more important that you set it.
In stone.
Do they have stone calendars? They should. Then we could set the date in stone.
We’ll have to settle for digital. Or paper. Or you could even write it on a wall or desk calendar if you have one of those.
But we need to make it real.
Real Deadlines
We all know about fake deadlines. They usually fall under the broad umbrella of diets and “other things we’re not really going to do.”
“I’ll start working out on January 1.”
Here’s a crazy idea: set a deadline for when you’ll stop instead of start.
“But when do I start?”
Option 1: Right This Very Moment
Right now. Today. Right this very minute.
Start now and choose a date to stop.
It takes away that whole future element and removes any question of when you’ll start.
Option 2: Pick a Day, Any Day
Let’s narrow it down. Make it this calendar year. If you’re in the late fall, say, October 17 or later, you can also choose the first half of next year.
But choose a date.
I chose November 17, 2019 for the launch of this book. It is October 14, 2019 right now as I write this.
Think my book is done?
Think I’m working on it today because I have a deadline of a month from now?
Pick a date.
Share it with us at facebook.repossible.com.
I won’t tell anyone.
Oops, I just did.
You just did.
See how good that feels?
“This is only going to hurt a little.”
You’ll feel better almost immediately.
Once the swelling subsides.
Feel better already?
That’s because it’s now real.
This is an excerpt from “Dare” which is coming out on the deadline I set for it: November 17, 2019. Had I not set a deadline, guess when it would have released? I’ll help you: never.
— Bradley Charbonneau, Deadline Dictator

Image by Amber Avalona from Pixabay