Focus: What’s the one thing you need to do over the next month?

- Focus: What’s the one thing you need to do over the next month?
- Meditation for Creatives
- Just one crystal clear idea per day
- If you can do this one thing, you can, apparently, solve all of your miseries.
- Who knew that the secret to success, happiness, and connection was hidden in Spiderman on the PlayStation?
- When time stands still–or moves at the speed of light
There are 13 things I have to do, 27 things I’d like to do, 4 I’ll probably do and yet 1 I should really be doing.
Sound familiar? This is my morning.
And it’s Sunday …
This is an excerpt from the upcoming book “Meditation for Creatives: When you’re ready to take success to the next level” due out sometime in early 2019. Although I have to acknowledge the irony that my clear focus this morning was to work only on Spark and yet here I am working on … another book. It’s related, I swear! π
My morning meditation is usually my compass for the day. It’s my go-to advisor, my trajectory, my mood, and my source of, well, quite a bit.
I’ve been struggling lately (I don’t even like to write that as then I’m admitting it) with my Charlie Holiday fiction series. I don’t really know where it’s going. I have fun writing it and it truly helps me (it’s something of a compass in its own right), but I can’t see where the “product,” the books, are going.
On the other hand, I know exactly where Spark is going, how to do it, and what I need to do to get it done. As a bonus, I know what to do to make it fantastic.
If I’m going to Walk the Talk and follow what my intuition, what my meditation, is telling me, I need to focus on Spark.
It’s November 18. A Sunday. I have one month to finish up Spark. I have 143 things I could do for it (including one of them being, uh, writing it). I need to make the list, prioritize, and go for it.
But what I also need to do is clear the path.
Just say no to:
- Charlie Holiday
- Li & Lu
- Where Charlie Holiday might be going
- Meditation for Creatives
- Create
You get the idea.
Here’s my November and December goal:
- Spark
That’s a one item list.
That’s what Meditation for Creatives is for: clarity, focus, direction, action.
But then we need to follow through on what we are guided to do. Action.

Focus: What’s the one thing you need to do over the next month? [Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash]