Now I understand what lazy people feel like.

No wonder things never get done.
I don’t care about my projects, house jobs, work or even my family. I have little energy, not much drive and all I want to do is read my book and lie in bed. I just want it all to go away so I can sleep and get out of this funk.
I’m sick.
I’m never sick. I’m sick so infrequently that when it happens I wonder if I have ever been sick in the past few years and I think back and usually can’t remember the last time. But now I remember what it’s like–it’s like this.
I can now understand people who are lazy or have no drive or passion. I’m often baffled when someone says they’re “bored” or “lazy” or “just don’t feel like it.”
lazy: averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent. dictionary.com
Dear Reader, let’s see, if this is post number, wait, let me check, 1,620 of 1,620 days posting, consecutively, without missing a day in, what’s that? 4+ years? In a row. I’m not getting paid. I don’t have a huge following. I do it because it’s the driving force that propels me forward and I probably couldn’t stop it if I wanted to.
So I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.
But what if you’re reading this and you associate more with the sick me than the healthy me? What if you struggle to get things done, can’t bare to tackle yet another client or project and even doing something 30 days in a row sounds like a chore worse than death by 1,000 cuts?
WARNING: I have zero sympathy for laziness.
If you’re lazy and enjoy being lazy and have no drive or ambition or passion or anything resembling forward movement, you’ve been warned. But frankly, you’re probably not even reading this as you would have been out of gas back around post #26 (No One is Watching: What Do You Do? … also because that post would have scared you off anyway). If you are reading this and you snuck in here somehow through the Lazy Door, you can stop reading, you’re probably tired by now anyway, and just please step aside to make way for those who will bulldoze ahead anyway.
But maybe being sick can help me understand those who are lazy but who don’t want to be lazy. They’d like to find their drive or their inner nuclear reactor of boundless energy but maybe they just don’t know where to look or what to look for. What if you put yourself through the creativity wringer? How about starting with something you might think is dull and going to drive you crazy? How about this: The Psychology of Limitations: How and Why Constraints Can Make You More Creative. Or maybe this: Creativity: How Constraints Drive Genius.
Maybe i’m just the “work through it” kind of guy. Maybe it took me 1,000+ days to know that I was onto something that I only then became a crocodile who will never let go. I don’t think you can wish yourself un-lazy. I’m pretty sure you can’t dream yourself productive. And if you can take a potion to transform yourself into a creative source of inspiration, bottle that up and sell it on the street corner and you’ll do fine.
I believe lazy is a state of mind and I know it can be beaten.
Here’s the best part. You lazy bones might think I’m enjoying this (I get to lie in bed and read my book). The thing is that I don’t feel alive. I feel like I’m just getting by, I’m surviving, but I’m not excelling or improving or moving or learning or growing or laughing or helping. I’m just taking up space on the planet. When I’m creative, I’m creating space on the planet.
Damn, that was good. I’m going to repeat it: When I’m creative, I’m creating space on the planet.
And that’s from a guy who’s in bed, a eucalyptus tea next to him and a blueberry shake who is going to turn off this laptop and see how Florentyna Kane is doing. If I can write 700+ plus words while I can barely swallow because my throat hurts so much, what can you do if you woke up a half hour earlier every morning and gave it your best?