If you can do this one thing, you can, apparently, solve all of your miseries.

- Focus: What’s the one thing you need to do over the next month?
- Meditation for Creatives
- Just one crystal clear idea per day
- If you can do this one thing, you can, apparently, solve all of your miseries.
- Who knew that the secret to success, happiness, and connection was hidden in Spiderman on the PlayStation?
- When time stands still–or moves at the speed of light
It’s simple, but not necessarily easy.
Well, until you know how to do it, then it’s easy too.
All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.
Blaise Pascal
A few short years ago, I would have said this was just silly. Preposterous even. Just a bunch of new-agey hogwash.
Seriously? Sit in quiet room alone? That’s it?
But now, just a few short years later and I can say with all certainty:
Yes, that’s it.
I found this quote today and will use it one of my chapters of my upcoming book, “Meditate.”
Because I don’t know of too much more powerful for an individual.
