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Here We Go (Again)

Here We Go (Again)

It’s time.

My mom is ready for me to write again. I stopped my 2,808-day write every single day streak on the day she passed.

Here’s the beginning of a 30-day creating challenge: words, audio, video, whatever.

I’ll keep a list below.

Keep creating,


  1. Kairos July 17, 2024
  2. WOWY (With Or Without You) July 18
  3. Oops, I Already Forgot (about my 30-day challenge) July 19
  4. The World According to Pepper July 20
  5. When you’re working on a book … you’re ALIVE ! July 21
  6. This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. July 22
  7. What are you NOT doing and WHY and HOW BIG is the thing that’s holding you back? July 23
  8. Is Something Better Than Nothing? July 24
  9. Teach something you know to someone who doesn’t know what you know. July 25
  10. Want your work to be memorable? Don’t forget this. July 26
  11. The Enlightened Passenger July 27
  12. Be Your Future Self Now July 28
  13. Radio (Audio) Theater July 29
  14. Early Morning Clarity: A Fictional Non-Fiction Audio Drama July 30
  15. Possibly the best thing you can do when something ends … July 31
  16. You Should Meditate 20 Minutes Per Day. Unless You Don’t Have Time. Then You Should Meditate 1 Hour Per Day. August 1
  17. A Summer Full of Audiobooks #bookbeat Aug 2
  18. How Your One “Big Happy” (Kairos) Can Win Over Their Many “Small Unhappies” (Chronos) Aug 3
  19. It Doesn’t Seem Logical, But This Is The Hard Part: Receive Aug 4
  20. Kairos | It’s Not “Travel Time Is Kairos Time” but “Travel Time Can Be Kairos Time” Aug 5
  21. There You Have It: 21 Days to Rekindle a (Writing) Habit Aug 6
  22. What the Prague Castle Tour can learn from the Pilsner Urquell Tour Aug 7
  23. I fell in love with Alphons Mucha’s art because he was on the journey–not yet at his destination Aug 8
  24. Here’s What Happens When I Try to Write Nothing Aug 9
  25. If you’re looking for signs, you’ll find them – or they will find you. Aug 10
  26. Green Light, Red Magnet, and Purple Flowers Aug 11
  27. If I Could Only Choose One (Branches or Roots), I Would Choose Branches Aug 12
  28. If all of the answers are “within,” how do I get there? Aug 13
  29. I Asked Claude AI for Some Help with my Book Structure Aug 14
  30. REVIEW: “Art & Soul, Reloaded” by Pam Grout Aug 15
  31. The Art of Nurturing Ideas: Patience and Openness in the Creative Process Aug 16
  32. People Are Good Aug 17
  33. Wanna Go Nowhere? Go Alone. Wanna Go Everywhere? Go Together? Aug 18
  34. Why I’m NOT Moving to Substack from WordPress Aug 19
  35. You Can’t Win If You Don’t Play Aug 20
  36. The only productivity tip you’ll ever need.Aug 21
  37. Re-Purposing Content: From Book to Audiobook to Podcast to YouTube Aug 22
  38. OK, fine, to create is important. How do I do it? Aug 23
  39. Crickets in Puerto Rico Aug 24
  40. Aug 25
  41. 3,000 Subscribers on YouTube ! Aug 26
  42. This is what progress, change, transformation actually looks like in real life. Aug 27
  43. Big Boy Actions: I Just Cancelled my Google Workspace Account Aug 28
  44. Want to turn some of your Chronos time into Kairos time? Here’s how to get another hour per day in your life. Aug 29
  45. Fast Friday: How to turn a stomach bug into … magic Aug 30
  46. Little Jack Horner Aug 31
  47. Here comes a 3-part series of just two words each for easier moneymaking than: writing books Sep 1
  48. Author Alternative Income Streams Part 1 of 3: Day Job Sep 2
  49. Author Alternative Income Streams Part 2 of 3: Affiliate Partnerships Sep 3
  50. Author Alternative Income Streams Part 3 of 3: Rental Property Sep 4


    • Bradley

      Thanks. Been a while. 😉

      • Bradley

        Well, 4 years.



  1. There You Have It: 21 Days to Rekindle a (Writing) Habit - Pass the Sour Cream - […] days ago, on July 17, 2024, I challenged myself to another 30-day “Write Every Single Day” writing […]

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