D is for Drama

- A is for Amazon
- B is for Bio
- C is for Character
- D is for Drama
- E is for Efficiency
- F is for Fun
- G is for Gradual
- H is for Hero
- I is for Inspiration
- J is for Judgment
- K is for Kneading
- L is for Lull
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- R is for Resourceful
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- T is for Timing
- U is for Updates
- V is for Very
- W is for Website
- X is for Xavier Chanceworthy
- Y is for Yours
- Z is for Zeal
What’s a story without a little drama?

You have to have a bit of drama.
There are many elements to drama: tension, passion, expectations, patience, suspense. But all put together, or even just one element, and you have something building up, something going wrong (or right), but there’s something we’re waiting for or hoping for and we want to turn the page to see how it turns out.
I suppose this could have as easily been a “C” word as well: conflict or contrast. But there has to be some tension. It’s not a documentary about wood chips, there has some be some skin in the game, as they say. Take our fearless characters Li & Lu: are they going to get out of the cave? What’s down there anyway? Does someone live there? Are they scared? Are you scared with them?
It doesn’t even need to be lots of drama, just enough to keep you wanting to know what’s going to happen next. That’s all, just a little, just a taste, or better yet, the piece of chocolate on the table that you haven’t yet tasted and it’s the last bite and you’d like to have it, but you’re not sure who it belongs to, so do you take it? Just a bit of drama. And chocolate.
Drama in story – marvelous! Drama in real life – not so much. 😉 Great post! Good luck with A-Z 🙂
But if drama in real life can turn into drama in a story, it’s win-win! Or at least … lose win!
Drama is a very evocative aspect of writing and certainly does keep the reader interested on the edge of their seat. Great post.
I was writing for my kids and it’s hard(er) to keep them on the edge of their seats as they’re young, their attention spans are short, and they want/need constant action/involvement/something.
Drama it does a body good..
Got Drama?
Here from the A-Z. I would take the chocolate, I think. If no-one was around. Finders keepers, where chocolate is concerned. 🙂
Best wishes,
I think I’d take the chocolate too … who’s going to miss a little piece? On that note, who would leave just a little piece? See, there’s already some mystery there.
Drama is what makes the writing pop. However, I sometimes enjoy writing “slice of life” stuff that probably bores everyone else to tears! 😉
I’m visiting from the A to Z. My team is participating with several blogs. You might enjoy the drama on this one: http://hickswyliedna.blogspot.com
I love the “slice of life” stuff especially if it’s my life. 😉 Then again, who wants to read that? Usually my family and sometimes that’s all of the audience I need or am even shooting for. I really enjoy writing sometimes as if it’s just for my family and even further on that note, for my kids when they’re older.
I love the layout of your blog. Great points about drama! I have bookmarked you and am excited for what’s next.
Shawn from Laughing at Life 2
Thanks, Shawn. I’m using a free theme called Canvas Kaapstad … ok, ok, disclaimer, I built it. 😉
I see that Tempest beat me to the punch. She’s always doing that!
Thanks for checking out The Diary of Debauchery!
I think that’s why they say that fiction is more truth than life is, even though it’s the drama of real life that feeds fiction. And I would take the chocolate! 😛
” … the drama of real life that feeds fiction.” is right on. We just need to translate it into words and scenes so others can get a glimpse.
As a Drama Teacher, I can appreciate this as well. Try doing scene work with young kids who think all drama has to be just an argument. Sigh.
I think a lot of American TV is about arguments and, as you say, kids think that this is what drama is. There’s other entertainment out there, ahem, like stage drama that’s so important for kids to experience. I’m also a huge fan of an educational (and very entertaining) Dutch program that my kids love: Klokhuis.