I is for Inspiration

- A is for Amazon
- B is for Bio
- C is for Character
- D is for Drama
- E is for Efficiency
- F is for Fun
- G is for Gradual
- H is for Hero
- I is for Inspiration
- J is for Judgment
- K is for Kneading
- L is for Lull
- M is for Marketing
- N is for Natural
- O is for Opportunity
- P is for Publish
- Q is for Quickly
- R is for Resourceful
- S is for Sales
- T is for Timing
- U is for Updates
- V is for Very
- W is for Website
- X is for Xavier Chanceworthy
- Y is for Yours
- Z is for Zeal
Where does it come from?
I’m not sure it “comes” from anywhere. At least not passively. I think it has to be created, fabricated, thought over and then it appears as if it were there along. I think it’s something like luck: it doesn’t just happen to anyone.
I think waiting for inspiration is overrated. You need to seek it out, you need to create it from nothing. I’m not inspired to go jogging, but once I start, I’ll be inspired to finish. But I started, I put on the shoes. The rest, if it’s going to come at all, will come when it’s ready, when you’re ready.
It’s too easy of a thing that people use as an excuse, “I just couldn’t XYZ today, I wasn’t inspired.” Uh huh. How much did you get done before you gave up? I think it takes some work to get going, to get warmed up, whether it’s running or writing or studying or, I don’t know, organizing you basement.
Inspiration isn’t what gets you started, it’s what keeps you going.
I just made that up. I like it. I’m going to end with it.

It can come in many forms, but you need to be on the lookout for it.
Yes I like that last thought too. Just tapping out a few words can get me started then I become inspired as I go. Usually I wind up deleting those first words.
Visiting from A-Z π
That’s a great point! It’s also very important to know that you can start and delete whatever you started later. It’s when you’re good and warmed up that the good stuff usually comes along anyway. Thanks for the comment!
This is my first visit from the A to Z blog signup list, so it’s great to meet you! I find I get most of my best ideas when I go for a long walk. It can be on my treadmill or along the beach–doesn’t matter (although the beach IS more inspiring, admittedly!). Something about the flow of oxygen that happens when you’re exercising…
Stephanie Faris, author
I completely agree, Stephanie. Sitting in front of a blank screen does little (or nothing) for my inspiration. Best is to get outdoors and not think about it … although you’re secretly or unconsciously thinking about it, which works wonders. Thanks for stopping by.
“You need to seek it out. You need to create it.” Writing is definitely not a passive activity! Thanks for the great thoughts!
I think sometimes it’s passive, in fact, a good dose of a walk through the park is crucial to help the active part of the work be more efficient–and effective.
Couldn’t agree more. Inspiration needs to be stirred, created, goaded. Not waited for.
Thanks, Veronica! I think the A to Z Challenge is great for that. You MUST write about that letter, makes you think a bit more.