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Q is for Quickly

Q is for Quickly
This entry is part 17 of 26 in the series A to Z 2014

We have to leave in a few minutes. I don’t have lots of time. Let’s get going.

It doesn't need to be intricate, keep it short, sweet and simple.

It doesn’t need to be intricate, keep it short, sweet and simple.

It helps if I have a clear idea, path, or point I want to make. Then it flows naturally, it forms its own outline and has a clear beginning, middle and end. But even when that doesn’t come so easily, just a quick jaunt into the zone can bring on a burst of creativity, warm-up, or just clear the cobwebs. Also, it’s an accomplishment, it’s getting something done, it’s better than doing nothing at all, because at least you started, you took a stab, you did a quick job and it might not be perfection, but it’s something and something is often easier to work on than nothing.

Don’t have time? I’d bet that you will spend more time fretting about doing it or not doing it than actually doing it.

That wasn’t so hard, was it? Gotta run!

Series Navigation<< P is for PublishR is for Resourceful >>


  1. Suzy

    Nice one. This challenge has taught me to write short quick posts.
    Dropping by from AtoZ

    • Bradley

      It’s helped me with that same thing! Thanks, Suzy.

  2. Laurel Garver

    Truly you can’t edit a blank page, and getting started is half the battle. Great reminder to just dive in with the limited time I DO have.

    • Bradley

      Ooh, I’m going to use that, “You can’t edit a blank page.” Love it!


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