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Z is for Zebra

Z is for Zebra
This entry is part 26 of 27 in the series A to Z

I write quite a bit about remembering the past and not letting it slip away into the quicksand that is my brain. But at least as important as the past is the future.

We did a safari in Tanzania at the beginning of our world trip and it was quite a start to the adventure. In fact, it was the start of a new chapter of life. Not a chapter, but a tome. The purity and innocence of safari will start a new chapter in your life–if you allow it to. If you can slow down to the tomorrow, tomorrow mentality, the red dirt settle into your skin and the midnight stars soak into the back of your eyes, you’ll take home a little of the beauty of Africa. So much of what I experienced on safari references our human life. Lions rule the savannah, Dik Diks bounce around scared and paranoid, and basic resources are scarce. It’s just like the big city, but with more dust.

Don’t live your life in the past–or the future.

I don’t want to dwell on the “life we had.” At the same time, I don’t want to only dream about the “life we’ll have.” But you can reminisce and you can dream.

I also want to bring my kids through some of the adventures we experienced. Especially while their little minds are so malleable and … they still want to hang out with us. I want to be silent in the back of a Land Rover waiting for a lion to make a move on a zebra. I want to wait at a bus station only to find out that the next bus might come tomorrow. Might.

But I need to be cautious that I don’t try to relive the experiences I had. I need to be open to new ones and just let them be, let them happen as they were meant to happen. I need to not be that guy who starts off every new scene with, “Well, when I was here … ” It won’t be about way back when or next time. It’ll be about this time, the present. Who knows what it will be. Who cares. But we need to go. My kids need to see a zebra. He might get away from the lion. But he might not. We won’t know until we get there.

If there's one thing I'm not going to let my kids not do, it's a safari.

If there’s one thing I’m not going to let my kids not do, it’s a safari. [Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania]

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  1. dee

    Who knew that a zebra post could be so profound. Nicely done! And congrats on finishing the A-Z challenge!

    • Bradley

      Congrats to you, too, Dee! Looking forward to seeing what we’re all up to next.

  2. Reflex Reactions

    What an adventure we have had Bradley… Savannahs and cities are the same – I wish you many now moments that make memories and create dreams… Congratulations on completing the challenge – there’s a May one that starts today… LOL

    • Bradley

      Congratulations to you, too, Ida. I have to thank you as you Raised the Bar on the A to Z Challenge and brought us all with you to that higher level. So what’s next with you?

      • Reflex Reactions

        I’m not sure I know what bar you refer to, but if I helped to lift some spirits than I’m happy. I’m linking my Z is for Zephyr and Reflecting on the A to Z 2013 Blogging challenge
        posts, to answer your question, because there’s links to another challenge plus you get a mention and I’ll be up to quite a bit. I’ll be around, checking you out and doing my thing. Thanks for everything 🙂

        • Bradley

          Lifting spirits, raising the bar, it’s all helpful. Whew, another challenge!? I need a different May Challenge and I need to focus on that WordPress help site I pointed you to.

        • Bradley

          Whoa, some provocative questions in there! Next time …

          • Reflex Reactions

            That’s WordPress help site is a winner, I know I have problems with WordPress that keep me from transitioning, like it deciding where my line breaks etc are… which are so time consuming to fix… as a far as the May challenge goes, I haven’t even read all the prompts yet and won’t even get close to doing them all, but I’m happy to support it.

    • Bradley

      Thank you! You too. I hope they think they’re lucky. They’ll probably think we’re dragging them again somewhere else. 🙂


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