B is for Beneficient

- A is for Acknowledgment
- B is for Beneficient
- C is for Choice
- D is for Duh!
- E is for Efficient
- F is for Fail
- G is for Generosity
- H is for Health
- I is for Indecision
- J is for Jealousy
- K is for Kin
- L is for Likoma
- M is for Momentum
- N is for Naive
- O is for Overwhelmed
- P is for Proverb
- Q is for Quick
- R is for Respect
- S is for Smile
- T is for Trust
- U is for Useful
- V is for Virus
- W is for Whisper
- X is for Xanadu
- Y is for Yellow
- Z is for Zebra
- A to Z Wrap Up
It’s a mathematical conundrum how giving can reap more in return than you give out. It doesn’t seem logical, but it’s often true. The math is actually quite simple:
Giving = Benefit you receive from giving + bonus benefit that recipient gets
In numbers, 1 = 1 + bonus.
You can’t lose, you’ll at least come out even if you don’t actually help anyone. Did you catch that logic? Did you follow the numbers? It’s not a shell game, but it can be hard to understand. You have to understand that the joy/benefit/reward you get from the giving is already equal (or greater than) the “cost” of that giving. The bonus that puts it over the top is the joy/benefit/reward that the recipient gets. In fact, you could add the pleasure you get from their pleasure and it’s even more of a win-win.
If you over analyze it, you can go back and forth with a self-discussion such as, “Well, am I only doing the good deed to be repaid in good deeds? Hoping secretly for the returned good deeds to be greater than my good deed given?” But I’m not going to over analyze. I’m just going to give. It’s simpler that way … and more fun.
My giving for the day started thanks to a comment from Ida Chiavaro asking how I made links in my comments. I showed her how here: HTML in Comments.
P.S. I was categorizing this post and it could (and should) really go just about everywhere: delegating, health, joy, LCTO, lifestyle, money, parenting, and especially small business and writing.
I find it really hard to think of something to write when I’m still just enjoying the moment, and busting at the bit to check out your awesome tutorial video. It really was very beneficent of you – Tusind Tak (Danish for a thousand thank you’s) I think it’s fine to acknowledge the reason we are giving. I’m giving lots of nice comments to people in the spirit of the A-Z challenge, and also hoping to build a list of followers/like minded people/virtual friends – and because basically I am genuinely nice to people too π I want to share but I don’t expect everyone I give something to to give in return. I am ever so grateful, regardless of my typo, in the above comment, now being in two places on the internet π
Looking forward to being Beneficient together with you, Ida and we’ll see where it takes us!
Tomorrow it will be taking us to C – π
Great post! I am very much in favour of the illogical especially when it comes to altruism. I’m really big on Random Acts of Kindness and during my last stint doling out RAKs, I was made privy to an article about receiving and how many people need to be better at it. Since then I’ve been making a conscious effort to just receive rather than following up a gift with, “o, you really didn’t have to do that,” or “o, you really shouldn’t have.” Someone is making an extra effort to thank me; just take the gift.
Cheers from Brandy at brandysbustlings.blogspot.ca
I feel the same way about compliments π
You bring up a really good point about receiving. People don’t say thank you so much anymore. They might smile or nod or … but just a thank you closes the deal. So thank you for the comment!
Enjoyed the post and thanks for sharing! π
Thanks, Karen.
Haha I’m glad you thought it should be everywhere… I looked under b in the a-z π