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M is for Momentum

M is for Momentum
This entry is part 13 of 27 in the series A to Z

When cycling, there’s a certain attainable speed where it seems like you’re coasting, but you’re actually pedaling quite hard. You’re cruising, it seems almost like you’re going downhill slightly, but you’re in the flats. It’s not just the previous pedal stroke that propels you to the next stroke, but it’s the previous months of training, the weeks of getting on the bike and getting out there. You’re in shape, the constant churning is second nature, it’s normal, the status quo. You’re moving along at a good clip, but it doesn’t feel like you’re exerting much energy. It’s a beautiful and powerful feeling. You have the energy in your legs–in fact, they don’t know any other way: just go, just move, keep pedaling. You have the training, the habit, you have the momentum.

I currently have the power of momentum going in:

I’ve lost momentum in other areas:

  • Meditation: was going well even with short sessions in the morning, need to just make it part of my schedule again
  • Exercise: doing OK with walking the dog, but less conscious effort to do it
  • Weight loss: back to stealing what my kids don’t eat …

Ouch, when I write it out, I see where I’ve been slacking. But I’ve been going strong in other areas that I find very important. But that’s just it: you’ll do what you want to do, but you’ll also do what you tell yourself you have to do. Writing every day just isn’t a question anymore of if I’ll do it, it’s when in the day (morning, afternoon, or evening). I have the momentum, I have the power now, I’m practically cruising downhill, it’s easy, I’m in shape, I’m not going to stop. If I get a flat, I’ll fix it and move along, maybe even pick up the pace because of the lost time. But stopping? It’s not even on the horizon. Because I have the momentum going. Do you?

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  1. Cindy Dwyer

    This post really hits home. It’s important to keep your momentum going. With writing, I have several outlets – my blog, my manuscripts and other little snippets to hopefully be used one day. I’m also in a critique group. So if any one of them is uninspiring, I turn to the others to keep me on track. The variety is good for me!

    It’s easy to get discouraged if you focus on one thing you’ve let go, but when you look at your whole list, it feels impressive, doesn’t it? Don’t beat yourself up over one little thing if your doing well in general.

    • Bradley

      My business partner reminds me to not focus on the 3 things I’m doing wrong but the 97 things I’m doing right. It’s helpful. It’s so easy to get down on the things you’re not doing, but can be a challenge to keep positive about the things you’re doing right–the ones where the momentum naturally flows.

  2. melanie schulz

    Momentum is so easy to lose. I’m a runner and I just took a week off of my training and it feels like I’m almost starting over.

    • Bradley

      Ooh, that’s a good way to put it! It is easy to lose. Just like a sock … but you can find it again and in fact, even more easily than a sock. At least you know where to look.


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