The tiny little secret of the tipping point

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There’s a fear among non-decision makers that a tipping point comes along that’s so big it might knock us over.
The secret of the tipping point is that we are constantly at a point of tipping.
Sure, there are bigger decisions and smaller ones, medium-sized ones and a few doozies. But each point is a tipping point.
Each point leads to the next one and that then is the next tipping point. Which, guess what? Leads to the next one.
The trick, the art, the secret of these tipping points is to keep them small, to keep them active, and to be tipping them all the time so we become used to them and they’re no longer big and scary.
More fulfilled, less fulfilled. More meaning, flow, satisfaction–or less.
If each so-called tipping point, or let’s tone it down a little and pull out all of the pomp and circumstance around the words, each decision is just a question of more fulfilled or less fulfilled, more bliss or less bliss, more gut feeling or less gut feeling, then it’s easier to make that decision.
It should–and will–become as easy as a flowing river or a stick floating in that river that goes where the current is the strongest. It’s pulled a little this way, it’s pushed a little that way. But it’s not using any of its own energy, it’s just, dare I use the pun, going with the flow.
Which is, of course, exactly the point.
As we tip, as we knock over each point along the way, just like a runner who is in shape and runs at least a little bit every day, the medium runs are easier. Even the marathon is something they’re prepared for. Yes, it’s a big deal, but they are more ready for it, it’s not a surprise, in fact, it’s a welcome challenge.
As we become more experienced with tipping, we even look forward to it as we know with each tip the next one will be that much easier.

The tiny little secret of the tipping point [Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash]