What if the “primary” decisions became the “secondary” decisions?

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You can’t decide whether or not to upgrade your house alarm system.
Or, let’s take a few more from real life:
- Do you fix the hole in the floor in the office?
- What to do with that old (but beautiful) Chinese chest?
- Renew the expensive cable bill?
- Finally replace that microwave?
- ย Stocks or real estate?
These are real decisions. Many of them aren’t that big, but when they’re in front of you (sort of like the guy with the knife in the alley, even though, in hindsight, he was short and possibly blind and potentially asleep … ), they were Big Decisions when you were trying to make them.
Which brings us back to relativity and subjective and objective decision making.
With the six decisions to be made above (including the alarm system), what if they could all be answered, solved, just plain made to vanish with a single swoosh of the magic wand?
What if you just Know What You Need to Do? Just all of the sudden? As if a little fairy on your shoulder told you?
Here’s how.
Think bigger. Think higher. Above, beyond, longer term. However you want to see it. Here’s what happened.
A certain someone had all of the above decisions to make. They weren’t weighing down her daily life, but they were still on her mind. Occasionally, they were annoying. It would have been nice if they went away.
Then one day, possibly (no, probably) partly related to those decisions weighing down on her for weeks (if not months or years), she had a moment of clarity that would demote all of those decisions (and many, many more) from primary to secondary.
She decided it was time to move.
Move houses. Move out from where the hole in the office was. Move to a place where the Chinese chest (yes, she’d had it in the family for decades) had no place. Where cable TV was included. An alarm system built in. A microwave built after 1974 was already in the kitchen.
No longer were these decisions even on the table. They were gone. They were answered. They vanished into thin air. Just like that.
Because she thought bigger and made a larger, much more important decision.
As if the previously large decisions were buoys floating in the ocean (hard to collect, bobbing up and down, anchored in, well, what?) and the big, new decision was the fishing boat that came through and just swept all of the buoys up and away.
Just like that, all of those decisions that used to weigh you down were now done. Answered.
Like magic.

That’s a big hold in the office floor. Should probably do something about that. What if the “primary” decisions became the “secondary” decisions? [Photo by david carballar on Unsplash]