Decisions Beget Decisions

- I’m pretty sure I just made the world a better place (and it only cost me $4).
- What am I not stepping into and why?
- “Someday” and “never” have the same numerical value in that they both equal zero … and other highlights from “Decide.”
- Decisions: The School Uniform and Releasing Trapped Energy
- The big decisions will help guide the smaller decisions
- That thing you think is going to happen might not happen.
- When you change your mind, you change your mind
- The tiny little secret of the tipping point
- Relief
- When are decisions triggered in the subconscious minds of children?
- Give a Voice to Your Truth and a Truth to Your Voice
- What if you just don’t have the capacity to decide? What if you don’t have a prefrontal cortex? What if you’re, like, a teenager.
- “Wait, I take that back.” Are our decisions reversible?
- Dictatorship or democracy? Which is better for decision-making?
- In a back alley brawl, “Decide” is going to win out over “Hope.”
- Decisions Beget Decisions
- What if the “primary” decisions became the “secondary” decisions?
- Simple but not easy
- Not Simple and Not Easy
- I can’t, uh, decide! Which cover for the “Decide” book!?
- If you build it, they will come. What if you decide? Will they come, too?
- My idea of a good time
- Decision-making, belief, and behavioral biases
- See, Feel, Know | Mind, Heart, Gut
She did that so we did this which led to them making that happen.
My mom moved. After 49 years in the same house. I went out there and spent two weeks, 8-10 hours per day, sifting through 49 years of stuff.
beget:ย to cause; produce as an effect
We’re renovating our house here in The Netherlands. We have to move out for 10 weeks. We’re in a little “vacation house” in this “vacation park” in the woods where City Folk come to get away from it all. It’s cute, it’s quiet, it’s small. From the moving truck that went to my wife’s mom’s cellar, we took only suitcases and a few things. Even too many small few things.
Last week the papers were signed and we sold an investment property we had in California. A few years ago, it would have been a huge deal, a monumental decision, but we now just did it.
Decisions Beget Decisions
My mom decided to move. We decided to renovate. We decided to sell our house.
They influence each other. Each one made the next one easier. Note that they weren’t even our own decisions, we were influenced, intrigued, and inspired by the decisions of others.
My sister now said that she …
See how it works?
Just as we are influenced by actions, behaviors, thoughts, moods or others (and ourselves), we are influenced by the decisions and the decision-making power of others.
We can get better at making decisions. We will learn that not making a decision is actually a decision. That stalling, whining, prcrastinating is really just costing us time, energy, and probably money.
Start with small ones. Work up to bigger ones. Talk to people who made the big ones. As them about them. How did it make them feel? What were the pros and cons? How could you learn from their decisions to make your own? How can we learn from our own decisions–and lack thereof–to make better ones from here on out?
It’s like a muscle and we can work it, use it, train it, and get smarter about it.
Change. So terrifying but so rewarding.