The ESD Avatar — Who is the Every Single Day reader persona?

- ESD: Beyond the Habit
- Today is a whole lot easier to see as yesterday than as tomorrow.
- Because “Every other day plus weekends is too complicated.”
- If you could practice more, would you?
- You do it even when you don’t want to do.
- You’ll never again say, “Oh well. Another day where I didn’t get it done.”
- This is how you live to be 103 years old.
- Study Every Single Day
- Every Single Day launches on October 17, 2017!
- Yes, you can force the Flow State. Here’s how.
- You know those things you never seem to get done? What if you could get them done?
- Meditation is the single thing that has helped me create Every Single Day for the past 1,698 days in a row.
- How do you know if you’re ready to make “The Leap”?
- This is what happens when you don’t take ESD.
- When you hear about how a person changed her life, it changes your life.
- When you’re a practitioner of Every Single Day, the “how” no longer matters.
- Sneak Peak: Every Single Day Table of Contents
- How has “Every Single Day” changed your life?
- The gift of the technique comes when we transcend it.
- Don’t have time? Here’s how to make time.
- The ESD Avatar — Who is the Every Single Day reader persona?
- The secret about that “big burst of creativity” you’re waiting for.
- It’s probably not a good idea to upload my book to Amazon while I’m in the train. Unless, of course …
- “Every Single Day” is available for pre-order on Amazon
- Mr. Pantser, meet Miss Plotter.
- 100 Reviews in 30 Days
- A prescription without a pill?
- From shame to lame to blame to aim to fame to game
- Can we become more creative?
- The Conundrum of Comfortable
- Every Single Day: Weight Loss
- If you think you need to do more, it might be time to do less.
- Very little stability in my life at the moment. Oh, yes, well, except for that. #creativelystable
- 2019 is going to be different. AKA: the mountain goat.
- Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.
- Ghost with a Toast
Who is this mysterious person who is the fan of Every Single Day?
I know her. I know her well.
Let’s take her apart. Her name is Charlotte.
She’s at the end of a decade and it almost doesn’t matter which one: 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s. That big birthday coming up soon is concerning for her as doesn’t want to reach another milestone with the person she is today. She lives in or very near a city and debates whether or not to go deeper into the center or further out into the nature. Part of that decision depends on what she’s going to do in the coming years.
She lives in or very near a city and debates whether or not to go deeper into the center or further out into the nature. Part of that decision depends on what she’s going to do in the coming years.
She’s been in her job for several years, makes enough of a salary to live comfortably, but is at the point where she feels that she needs to decide whether she’s going to go All In and shoot up the ladder or chuck it all and follow her dream. She knows it’s cliche, but she knows that there is some validity in cliches. She honestly doesn’t know what to do and is quietly searching for guidance.
Along those lines, she’s dabbled in education towards her future. Everything from courses in psychology at the university or cheesy-sounding online courses on success. She takes quizzes and tests to see where she’s heading and they come out even blurrier. She’s at the end of her rope–or at least the end of a rope.
She’s happy on the outside, but deeper in, especially since her last breakup with the longtime boyfriend, she is pretty sure there is something more to life but doesn’t quite know how to find it.
Part of her challenge is that she’s “comfortable.” She almost sees the term as a bad word. She has a good job, makes good money, has good friends, but she feels that she just has more to offer the world. She’s pretty sure there’s a higher level just above where she is, but doesn’t know how to ascend. She has a message she feels the world needs to hear, but she’s too shy to share it publicly and isn’t quite sure how to come out of that closet.
She doesn’t need hand holding and is a self-starter, but needs direction. She can follow directions very well and once she’s on a path, can be extremely persistent. Her secret dream is to have a coach or mentor who would just tell her, preferably forcefully, that she needs to do 1, 2, and then 3 and all of her “problems” will be solved. She’s hesitant to ask as she’s not even sure they’re “problems” but more just that she’s ready for a Big Change in her life.
Reading self-help books is one thing that she knows could help her, but she’d rather listen to audio while jogging or sneak in a quick video with ready-to-go action items that are easy to implement–but important. She feels like she’s on the cusp of a big change, but just needs a little push, a little daily something to make that big change happen.
She doesn’t know how or when or even why it’s going to happen, but she’s open to suggestions.
She’s ready for Every Single Day.
More on Reader Avatars (or Reader Personas)
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Reader Personas by Neil Patel for Quick Sprout. What you do need to do is understand your reader.
- How to Create Reader Profiles/Personas to Inspire and Inform Your Blogging by Darren Rowse for Problogger. … a picture of who you’re writing for that you can then use to inspire and inform you.
- How to Create Effective Reader Personas by Annaliese Henwood. Who are you writing your content for, and what makes your content worth their time? By creating reader personas for your blog, you’re answering those two crucial questions.