Every Single Day launches on October 17, 2017!

- ESD: Beyond the Habit
- Today is a whole lot easier to see as yesterday than as tomorrow.
- Because “Every other day plus weekends is too complicated.”
- If you could practice more, would you?
- You do it even when you don’t want to do.
- You’ll never again say, “Oh well. Another day where I didn’t get it done.”
- This is how you live to be 103 years old.
- Study Every Single Day
- Every Single Day launches on October 17, 2017!
- Yes, you can force the Flow State. Here’s how.
- You know those things you never seem to get done? What if you could get them done?
- Meditation is the single thing that has helped me create Every Single Day for the past 1,698 days in a row.
- How do you know if you’re ready to make “The Leap”?
- This is what happens when you don’t take ESD.
- When you hear about how a person changed her life, it changes your life.
- When you’re a practitioner of Every Single Day, the “how” no longer matters.
- Sneak Peak: Every Single Day Table of Contents
- How has “Every Single Day” changed your life?
- The gift of the technique comes when we transcend it.
- Don’t have time? Here’s how to make time.
- The ESD Avatar — Who is the Every Single Day reader persona?
- The secret about that “big burst of creativity” you’re waiting for.
- It’s probably not a good idea to upload my book to Amazon while I’m in the train. Unless, of course …
- “Every Single Day” is available for pre-order on Amazon
- Mr. Pantser, meet Miss Plotter.
- 100 Reviews in 30 Days
- A prescription without a pill?
- From shame to lame to blame to aim to fame to game
- Can we become more creative?
- The Conundrum of Comfortable
- Every Single Day: Weight Loss
- If you think you need to do more, it might be time to do less.
- Very little stability in my life at the moment. Oh, yes, well, except for that. #creativelystable
- 2019 is going to be different. AKA: the mountain goat.
- Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.
- Ghost with a Toast
It’s April 17. That’s exactly six months.
This is not so much a public post as it is an internal memo that I have a publish day. Every Single Day available on October 17, 2017. A few questions for the author:
- Will I be ready then? Yes.
- Are you ready now? No.
- What are your plans between now and then? Get ready.
That’s the definition of a Launch Plan and a Deadline. There’s a plan to make it ready by a certain date. It’s very unlike me. But those are exactly the sort of real changes that I’ve experienced since living by the ESD methodology: change happens. No, I make change happen. Then change happens. Then more change happens and it’s easier, more powerful and automated. It’s like magic. It’s like LSD. No, it’s like ESP.
We’ll cover all that in the book. In the meanwhile, it’s time to get down and dirty with scary-for-mortal-author stuff like:
- Growing the launch team (both Influencers and Fans).
- Writing, interviewing, editing, re-writing, publishing.
- Building pre-launch publicity (guest posts, interviews on podcasts, etc.).
- Create marketing materials, shareables, etc.
- Catch up, do, and master the Book Launch Course I’m enrolled in and … never did much with. Now is the time.
- Dominate the Advertising for Authors course I’m learning so much from.
- Map it out in my own Self-Publishing Checklist course that we’re building on the fly as we take it from idea to action to done.
- Map it out with a schedule, deadlines, checklists, progress log and accountability partners.
- Keep track of financials, social growth, mailing list mastery and reach.
- Add more items to this list right here.
Make it real, keep a progress log and Get It Done. This is Day Zero.
Sound Daunting?
Here’s how I see things divided up.
- Hungry. You can’t wait to get started. It sounds like there’s a lot to do (there is a lot to do!) and you have the energy, curiosity, and stamina to get rolling. Part of you doesn’t know where this is truly leading, but you don’t really care, you don’t really want to know, and you just know you want to get this party started.
- I’m ready. I think. You’re not sure where this is leading, but you’re ready to jump aboard. There’s something burning in your belly and it might be a burrito, but it might be the butterflies that are ready to scatter and transport you into the unknown.
- Um. I have a question. If you’re hesitant, concerned or just plain scared, it’s OK. There’s always a next time. There’s always tomorrow. You can get started when you’re ready, when lightning strikes and when you feel like it.