Every Single Day: Weight Loss

- ESD: Beyond the Habit
- Today is a whole lot easier to see as yesterday than as tomorrow.
- Because “Every other day plus weekends is too complicated.”
- If you could practice more, would you?
- You do it even when you don’t want to do.
- You’ll never again say, “Oh well. Another day where I didn’t get it done.”
- This is how you live to be 103 years old.
- Study Every Single Day
- Every Single Day launches on October 17, 2017!
- Yes, you can force the Flow State. Here’s how.
- You know those things you never seem to get done? What if you could get them done?
- Meditation is the single thing that has helped me create Every Single Day for the past 1,698 days in a row.
- How do you know if you’re ready to make “The Leap”?
- This is what happens when you don’t take ESD.
- When you hear about how a person changed her life, it changes your life.
- When you’re a practitioner of Every Single Day, the “how” no longer matters.
- Sneak Peak: Every Single Day Table of Contents
- How has “Every Single Day” changed your life?
- The gift of the technique comes when we transcend it.
- Don’t have time? Here’s how to make time.
- The ESD Avatar — Who is the Every Single Day reader persona?
- The secret about that “big burst of creativity” you’re waiting for.
- It’s probably not a good idea to upload my book to Amazon while I’m in the train. Unless, of course …
- “Every Single Day” is available for pre-order on Amazon
- Mr. Pantser, meet Miss Plotter.
- 100 Reviews in 30 Days
- A prescription without a pill?
- From shame to lame to blame to aim to fame to game
- Can we become more creative?
- The Conundrum of Comfortable
- Every Single Day: Weight Loss
- If you think you need to do more, it might be time to do less.
- Very little stability in my life at the moment. Oh, yes, well, except for that. #creativelystable
- 2019 is going to be different. AKA: the mountain goat.
- Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.
- Ghost with a Toast
Three guesses which one was my dinner from the photo.
I have a pretty good guess as to your first reaction: “You drink a green shake Every Single Day for dinner!?”
That might be a better fit under the “Every Single Week” program.
But Every Single Day I can make one decision about my weight loss plan to make a difference. Each decision might be tiny–although not always easy.
- Ask me how hard it is to not take a bite out of one of those burgers for my kids? (OK, I give in: really, really hard.) Willpower.
- How much do I miss the thick and sugary creamer in my tea? Not so much. But in the beginning, it was painful. Solved.
- Share that baguette with my son before we even get to the cashier? Now that was just plain mobile deliciousness. I’ve stopped.
In the beginning, it was a challenge. But now, I’m used to it. It’s become a habit.
After just one month, I eat less every night. Even if I’m going to splurge and eat like I used to, I still eat less than I used to. Remember, we’re talking about just one short month ago. It’s taken only that amount of time to build a habit.
Every Single Day I:
- Make a green smoothie in the morning. (Even my wife drinks it sometimes.)
- Decide to have a bite less of something. Just stop.
- Take the stairs, walk around the extra block, ride my bike, or do one little effort more than I used to.
- This is the best part: I feel better, lighter, fitter and I have more energy and it’s more consistent.
- Drink more water than I used to–sometimes double.
Every Single Day just a little. It will get easier. The power of it will grow and if you’re losing a tiny bit of weight (or none at all) in the beginning, stick with it, it will come.
Now, after just a month, it’s a habit to lose weight. It’s a habit that I’m losing about a half a kilo per week. I’m almost to my goal weight and then what am I going to do when I reach it?
Keep going.
Why? Because this feels good. It’s easy–a whole lot easier than when I started. Because I can. Because it gives me more energy. Because I feel lighter (in both body and spirit). Because it reminds me that I can do anything with just a little effort, a small decision, on a daily basis.