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If you could practice more, would you?

If you could practice more, would you?
This entry is part 4 of 36 in the series Every Single Day

Do you want to get better?

If you could practice all the time, would you? If you’re doing what you love, do you even bother to call it practice?

Do you want to get better than the next guy or do you want to get better? Or both?

What’s the joke about how fast do you need to go to outrun a bear? Faster than your friend.

Is it a competition? I don’t know, is it? Is it for you? Do you want to be be better because you enjoy doing it or do you want to be better for an “external” reason (e.g. praise, money, fame, competition)?

Does practice really make perfect? Do you care? What’s perfect anyway?

What are you shooting for? Perfection? Good luck with that. Perfection is overrated. Perfection is some imaginary destination and we all know that the destination is overrated and the journey is the destination.

You know that, right?

Go ahead and practice. See what happens.

Does practice really make perfect? Do you care? What's perfect anyway?

Does practice really make perfect? Do you care? What’s perfect anyway?

Series Navigation<< Because “Every other day plus weekends is too complicated.”You do it even when you don’t want to do. >>


  1. Every Single Day. You can’t just get rid of a habit, you need to replace it with something new. - […] If you could practice more, would you? […]

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