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Create | It’s not what you give or what they take or learn. It’s how they feel.

Create | It’s not what you give or what they take or learn. It’s how they feel.
This entry is part 18 of 32 in the series Create

When they look back and think of you, it’s the only thing that they’ll remember: how you made them feel.

Here we are early in the creative process. In your book (or article or product or song or painting), when your reader/buyer/client finishes your book (etc.), how do they feel?

OK, sure, it’s tough to predict the future.

So how would you like them to feel? What would be the ideal?

Write that down.

TIP: Use the form of a quote or a review or a blurb. What that reader might say or write after they finished your work.

Series Navigation<< Create | When is the absolute perfect time to start your masterpiece?Shoot off the flare gun of your passion and see who takes notice >>

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