
- Cre8
- CREATE | Bouquets of flowers, men in suits, somber faces
- People want to create
- Lacking creativity? Tune into your radio frequency.
- Are you working on another book?
- Creating creates more creativity … even while driving a car
- Do something daring, find tribe, write book.
- Feeling stuck? Bogged down? Pop that boil, let it out, create.
- Just Stop (for the Day)
- “Why me?” versus “Why not me?”
- Tony
- Here to Create
- How to go from Nothing to Everything
- Create | Day 0: How will you define success?
- The (no longer) secret formula to creative success: meditate + create
- Create | What if the goal were not to succeed but to create?
- Create | When is the absolute perfect time to start your masterpiece?
- Create | It’s not what you give or what they take or learn. It’s how they feel.
- Shoot off the flare gun of your passion and see who takes notice
- The Habit is the Goal
- “I have nothing to offer.”
- Are you waiting for someone to ask you to become a writer?
- What if you don’t know what your passion is?
- Give the Gift of You
- CREATE | Offense & Defense
- What is your output if your input is Netflix and Instagram?
- Live, Work, Create. Pick one.
- From Nothing to Something
- Create: Behind the Scenes in Creating
- There’s Nothing More Powerful Than an Idea Whose Time Has Come
- The artist rarely says, “I’d like to do less.”
- CREATE | The Cover
8 days. You. Creating.
I’ve been searching for ways to make an easy, simple, and quick way to help people get started creating.
It’s getting a little less “new” to say this, but, “I learned of this during my morning meditation.” But I’m here to say that … I learned of this during my morning meditation.
— Bradley
Eight days of a mini-course and/or mail sequence to get people creating in just 8 days.
Want the bonus, extra special, dance remix version? Create 28 will be the 4-week version (and cost $28).
Cre8 will be free to those who read Create.
That’s all for now!
I see a variety of “media” to create. Not just writing and __________ (drawing, etc.) but, for example:
- Create | Focus
- Create | Clarity
- Create | Abundance
- Create | Freedom
- Create | Peace
- Create | Habits
- Create | Happiness
Sound like fun?
Then and/or maybe verbs/actions:
- Create | Draw
- Create | Sing
- Create | Write
- Create | Photograph
- Create | Narrate
- Create | ???
This is fun already.
A few guidelines or parameters (again, this stuff just comes to me clearly so I have to write it down … see how I’m walking the talk?).
The Instruction / Guidance
The “instruction” (video, audio) each day, the lesson, the guidance, must be:
- Under 2 minutes
This is because my electric toothbrush also goes off after two minutes. This means:
- We have the time each morning (because we’re brushing our teeth each morning anyway, aren’t we?)
- It’s quick
- It’s easy
- It’s simple
The Instructor / Leader / Teacher
I’d love for this to not always be me.
What if a famous audiobook narrator gave you one tip to narrate a story? Maybe he shows you how to use pauses. Then your action, your creation, for the day is to narrate a short piece of work. Maybe that piece is offered to you, maybe you find something on your own.
- A singer gave you a secret tactic to bring out another voice you didn’t know you had.
- An artist taught you something about color and you colored something quickly.
- An illustrator helped you with drawing a ______________.
- A fiction writer had you begin a fantasy story.
- A nonfiction writer asked you for help to outline your new product or idea.
- A copywriter worked with you to get your idea clear and into 6 words.
I’m having fun just creating this thing.
Output, Accountability, Public
Again, maybe I’m so comfortable with this that I no longer care or it no longer bothers me but I’d love for each participant to post 8 days of their 8 creations on a, for example, free WordPress.com site (that they created the day before as prep).