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Which microphone to get started recording audiobooks?

Which microphone to get started recording audiobooks?
This entry is part 22 of 33 in the series Audio for Authors

Note the important part of that: “get started”!

I’m no audio pro technical producer who can hear that a piano is out of tune from the back of the auditorium during a thunderstorm.

I basically want what it going to work and not break the bank.

In my hours and hours of scouring online forums and comparisons and trying to stay under about $100, I found this one to the be the mic that kept coming up for audiobook recording:

Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB Cardioid Dynamic USB/XLR Microphone

Which microphone to get started recording audiobooks?

Which microphone to get started recording audiobooks?

Is it the best in the world? No.

The cheapest? No.

Does it also iron my shirts and backup my hard drive? No and no.

Does it work? Yes.

Is it good for audiobooks for “starters”? Yes.

Is it under $100? Yes.

There. I did your research for you.


Did you see all of those “No” answers above? If you’d like to find a better, cheaper, more perfect microphone to get the job done, I’m 100% sure you can do so. I’d love to hear about it, actually! I don’t mean this mic is the end-all-be-all of audiobook microphones. It’s what I found, it’s what I use, and it’s working.

Series Navigation<< One of my goals for my “Audio for Authors” book and course: Short, Sweet, and DoneMy first test with transcription and how this is going to change … everything. >>

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