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Audio for Authors: What does this teach? What does this solve? What am I giving?

Audio for Authors: What does this teach? What does this solve? What am I giving?
This entry is part 27 of 33 in the series Audio for Authors

Do you know what your nonfiction does for your audience? Let’s have a deeper look.

Derek Muphy did a review of Ryan Holiday‘s “Perennial Seller” and quoted this from Ryan’s book:

What does this teach?
What does this solve?
How am I entertaining?
What am I giving?
What are we offering?
What are we sharing?

Audio for Authors

Audio for Authors

I’m going to do this exercise for Audio for Authors and … see how I do. I’m also going to work to keep it concise.

What does this teach?

How, as an author, you can create audio from your existing written words to (1) have fun and (2) profit.

What does this solve?

Most authors think audiobook production is difficult and expensive. It certainly can be. But it doesn’t have to be. This book and course walk the author through the minefield of audio for authors to come out on the other side with a finished product.

How am I entertaining?

The reader will learn early on that I’m not all about profit. In fact, I lean heavily on fun and the “profit” for the heart. You see, I’m a storyteller, I’m a man of heart, and I want your story to be told in audio format so it will seep into the psyche of your listener and warm their imagination.

What am I giving?

Both a how-to guide and a motivational manifesto behind audio for authors and how the benefits are multifold.

What are we offering?

A step-by-step online course and accompanying book. But also a Facebook group and a chance to distribute your first chapter, your “Chapter Won” to the group’s podcast (aptly named “Chapter Won”). Because getting this done, getting even chapter one done, is a victory to be celebrated.

What are we sharing?

We’re sharing our knowledge of audiobook, podcast, and dictation tips, tricks, production techniques and experience. But also, and I don’t treat this lightly, our joy and passion for audio as well.

Well, THAT was easy.

I can highly recommend doing this for your book–whether fiction or nonfiction.

Audio for Authors "Magic only has to be right once."

Audii for Authors “Magic only has to be right once.”

Audio for Authors "The voice is like the fingerprint."

Audio for Authors “The voice is like the fingerprint.”

Audio for Authors "It goes directly into your mind"

Audio for Authors “It goes directly into your mind”

Series Navigation<< Is this the next chapter of audiobooks?Do We Listen? (And an excellent example of newsletter marketing.) >>


  1. Lucky (to Write) Every Day: A 30-day challenge turned into 2,000+ days. - […] Audio for Authors: What does this teach? What does this solve? What am I giving? (Aug 4) […]

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