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People like us do things like this

People like us do things like this
This entry is part 22 of 70 in the series Spark

Smallest Viable Audience

Listening to Seth Godin’s new book, “This is Marketing.” He was just talking about something that many could see as a negative but in his perspective is actually the answer to the question how do we belong, how do we find meaning, how do we do the things we do.

People like me do things like this.

I wrote a book with my kids.

I wanted to be prouder as my children. I wanted to be proud of myself. I wanted to be proud of something we did together. I wanted to be able to tell a story about something my kids and I did together but something more than going to the ballgame or riding our bikes through the woods. Something that meant something. Something that meant something to us. Something that might teach something to us possibly in the distant future although now it might not mean much at all. I’m willing to take that risk because I know the statistics of how I will feel about doing nothing presently and how I will feel about that in the future. That one is an easy one. That one is regret.

People like us do things like this.

People like me did anything like this.

People like me are doing.

People like me will do things like this.

People like us, people like me, people like you.

People like us want to have experiences with our kids. People like us want to tell stories about things we did together with our kids. People like us want to have memories to look back on about the things we did together with our kids.

What Seth Godin is saying sounds exclusionary or exclusive or excluding of certain people and that’s exactly his point.

Remember that this book is about marketing, this book is about connecting with other people and one of his main points is the smallest viable audience for smallest viable product and how if we focus on a niche market or a smaller market or a more defined and focused market, that is how we will reach the people we are intended to reach.

The goal is not to reach everyone because as we all know that’s the easiest way to reach no one. So in order to reach anyone we need to be focused on reaching someone.

Spark: How to write a book with your kids and why you should

Spark: How to write a book with your kids and why you should

With Spark, I’m not looking for the people who want to make excuses to not do it. I’m also not looking for the people who say they can’t or won’t or shouldn’t or don’t know how or don’t want to learn or don’t want to try or have yet another excuse that I can’t even think up at this time.

I believe that group is much, much larger then the group of people I am after.

The group of people I am after is the group like us. We’re the ones who make things happen. We’re the ones who make small changes in our own lives which then directly and indirectly affect the lives of those around us. We might not seek to change the world but part of this is because we are smart enough to know that to change the world you first need to change yourself and if you’re moving on beyond only yourself you know that smallest viable audience is your most efficient an effective group to associate with and work together with and to make change happen.

People like us do things like this.

If you don’t have the time or maybe you don’t have the willpower or you just don’t feel like it then I understand completely. But then I’m sorry to say that you are not us.

I don’t want to pester you and wish you joined us.

I don’t want to bother you and plead with you to please do this thing or start that project.

I do want to pull you (and if you read any of my work, you’ll note the big difference between pull and push).

I want to offer you a helping hand to step up and possibly step into a level of your comfort zone that you know you will not regret.

People like us aren’t concerned about failure because to us there is no failure there is only learning and experience. From that learning and experience, we unite and we move forward and greater still we reach back and hold out our hand to pull up the next person who wants to come up and join us on the level we’ve just ascended to.

People like us to do things like this.

People like us do things like this

People like us do things like this [Photo by Phil Coffman on Unsplash]

Series Navigation<< Spark: It’s about creating something from nothing. Let’s create a subtitle, shall we?Why Spark? Why me? Why you? Why now? >>


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