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When you document it, it becomes more real

When you document it, it becomes more real
This entry is part 35 of 70 in the series Spark

Take a picture, record a video, turn on the audio recording.

Sure, we’re going to Do This Thing, but it’ll be even more memorable–and remembered–if we document it.

By documenting, I only mean:

  • Taking the occasional photo (of the work in progress).
  • Have someone video record while you’re working on your experiment.
  • Turn on an audio record for a few minutes while you’re talking about what you’re doing.

At the time, it might not seem like much, it might even seem a little silly, but remember how an 11-second video inspired much of what I’m doing in 2019, so let’s just say we’re going to give it a try and we can say later that it was a colossal waste of time to document.

Let’s get busy, let’s take photos and videos and audio recording like it was a holiday to a place we might never return to, and we can analyze it later.

When you document it, it becomes more real
When you document it, it becomes more real. [Photo byย Yanapi Senaudย onย Unsplash]
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  1. Lucky (to Write) Every Day: A 30-day challenge turned into 2,000+ days. - […] When you document it, it becomes more real (Dec 26) […]

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