Why Spark? Why me? Why you? Why now?

- Do you know what the hardest part of writing a book is?
- SPARK | “How can I make more time in the day to write with my son?”
- Don’t have much conversation with your kids? Here you go.
- That partner of yours. Yeah, the kid. We still have roles to play. They’re important.
- Spark | Time Capsule: this is one of those moments I want to remember.
- Spark Campfire | Step out of your comfort zone to uncover your true message
- Everyone is born a genius
- Here’s what I’m giving my nieces for Christmas
- Embers
- Sparklers
- The 1/4″ drill bit, Bali, cocktails on the beach, love, pride, and Spark
- Is your goal to have fun or win an award?
- I recorded an 11-second video 4 years ago that’s the foundation of my next book.
- Don’t wait 12 years. Please.
- Fire
- It’s not only for you and your kids but your grandkids … and beyond.
- Is there anything possibly worse than not starting the project?
- Oops. That’s what I forgot: a story.
- The One Recipe Cookbook (and how to finish a project together with your kids)
- Best books for doing activities with your kids, creating family memories, and building relationships between parents and children
- Spark: It’s about creating something from nothing. Let’s create a subtitle, shall we?
- People like us do things like this
- Why Spark? Why me? Why you? Why now?
- What if I’d like to be one of the people like you who do things like that?
- Permission to … change my book title?
- Write a book with your kids? 43 elements for success. 42 are optional.
- It seems like backwards math, but by creating, we are actually “getting” more than we are “giving.”
- The Widow and the Orphan
- Spark Love: About that 1 mandatory element of the 43…
- Recipe for Love
- Kids need to crash their bikes to learn how to ride.
- Spark at “#1 New Release in Parent Participation in Education”
- Spark has hit #1 in Parenting in Free Books
- Spark Campfire
- When you document it, it becomes more real
- It takes as long as the time allotted
- I don’t want to navigate negativity.
- What’s the one little spark going to be that sets off the creativity in you (or your child)?
- Spark Campfire February 2019
- Find someone who believes he is alone and convince him that he is not.
- Well, wait a minute. That wasn’t so hard.
- Someone out there could use the help from the you of today
- I just got off the phone with my niece (and why that’s important).
- How to structure your non-fiction
- Spark Campfire | I wish I knew my nephew
- Spark Campfire | Why are you the person to write this book?
- Spark Campfire | Can we write a book and be less in front of a screen?
- Spark Campfire | How we define success
- Spark Campfire | So, you say you don’t have a book idea?
- Spark Campfire | Think about your audiobook before you thought you needed to
- Spark Campfire | Time Capsule
- Spark Campfire | Sweat Hut
- Spark | How do you answer the question, “What are you working on?”
- Spark: Ch. 3: Message in a Bottle
- The risk of remaining tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom
- Spark Campfire | Who can say what you want to say better than you can?
- Imagine yourself as a published author.
- Writing & Publishing: Why do we go to the gym? Wait, I don’t go to the gym. Exactly.
- Write Your Worst Book Ever
- This is what co-creating a book looks like
- Don’t do what you want to do but they want to do
- “Drama” audiobook is DONE!
- SPARK |Tell me your fears
- 7 Questions for Spark
- Spark Campfire | Did I mention we’re going to get it done?
- Spark | Thanks for your gift of sharing yourself through this book.
- “I get to be the fun mom.”
- “Our story has to be told.”
- SPARK authors Meg and Matthew Leal are #1 on Amazon!
- “Oh, next year will be better.”
What change are you trying to make with your offering?
Yes, I can get rather involved in the books I’m reading. Currently, it’s “This is Marketing” by Seth Godin. I can’t put it down.
It’s about your product, your business, your marketing, your customers, your message … in all, it’s everything.
He seems to make it so simple. Could it be so simple? He asks three questions.
- What change are you trying to make?
- Who are you seeking to change?
- What promise can you make to your potential customers?
I’m going to answer them for Spark. I’m going to go for a quick answer and then a longer one.
1. What change are you trying to make?
We step briefly out of our comfort zone, together with our kid(s), and we’ll reap the rewards of that courage for years to come.
If I had eaten only green beans for a month, that’s what I would be writing about. Or running 10 kilometers every day for a month. But in my case, I wrote a book with my kids–and it changed everything. My career, the continent we live on, the language we speak, the friends they have, their present and their future trajectories are forever altered.
For better or worse.
All thanks to writing a book together. That we did in a month. And the book didn’t win any awards or sell millions of copies. What we’ve been celebrating for years has been the side effects of doing a project. Together. With the kids. That’s it.
2. Who are you seeking to change?
Parents who want to have a more meaningful relationship with their kid(s).
I did it myself. It wasn’t all fun and games. It took work. But every ounce of that work was worth a pound of celebration.
I don’t want parents who feel they have to do this or think they might someday could possibly think of asking their cousin’s permission to maybe next time do something with their own kids.
I want parents who want a change and are willing to create something for it–oh, and involve their kids.
If the kids want to change, that’s a bonus, not a requirement. My boys don’t even want to change their socks…
3. What promise can you make to your potential customers?
Side effects. Mostly positive, probably some negative, but the majority of them will be unexpected.
Oh, and those “negative” ones? That’s where we’ll learn the most, cry about while they happen, remember even longer down the road, and laugh about them in the future.
Have you ever noticed how the best travel stories are the ones where things didn’t go as planned? My plan is to not really have a plan except the plan to start and finish. But the path in the middle? As long as all roads lead to completion, I’m on board. I hope you are, too.
Thanks again to Seth Godin for “This is Marketing” as it’s helping me form what Spark is and will become.