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Don’t wait 12 years. Please.

Don’t wait 12 years. Please.
This entry is part 14 of 70 in the series Spark

Please don’t wait 12 years.

It will be too late.

Seth Godin has a habit of writing a few sentences that hit home. Did I mention he writes Every Single Day? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Twelve years from now, your future self is going to thank you for something you did today, for an asset you began to build, a habit you formed, a seed you planted.

Even if youโ€™re not sure of where it will lead, todayโ€™s the day to begin. — Seth Godin, from his blog

I waited 10 years. Here’s a quick timeline:

  1. 2004: wrote a book,
  2. 2014: wrote next book.

What happened in between? Easy: nothing.

What’s most interesting about Seth’s post is this part:

your future self is going to thank you

We’re not talking about:

  1. The press,
  2. The Oscars,
  3. Your kids,
  4. Your spouse,
  5. Your fans,
  6. Your worldwide tour promoter.

We’re talking about:

  1. Your future self
  2. thanking you (that is, your present self).

It’s so simple. So powerful. So hard.

Yet so easy.

It begins with the first step.

In an absolutely blatant act of self-promotion, have a look at this:

Spark: How to write a book with your kids and why you should

Spark: How to write a book with your kids and why you should

What are you waiting for?

Please don’t wait 12 years. Your future self will thank your current self.

Don't wait 12 years. Please.

Don’t wait 12 years. Please. [Photo by Daniel Gregoire on Unsplash]

Series Navigation<< I recorded an 11-second video 4 years ago that’s the foundation of my next book.Fire >>


  1. Lucky (to Write) Every Day: A 30-day challenge turned into 2,000+ days. - […] Don’t wait 12 years. Please. (Nov 7) […]

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